An Tonnu
South Piedmont Community College: Associate in Arts Capstone ePortfolio
“Your life is like a mosaic, a puzzle. You have to figure out where the pieces go and put them together for yourself.” - Maria Shriver
My name is An Tonnu and welcome to my ePortfolio website! I am a current senior at Anson County Early College (ACEC) as well as a student at South Piedmont Community College (SPCC). I will be graduating from both institutions this Spring in 2022! Throughout the last 4 years, I have been growing and maturing a lot as an individual, with the kid who I was entering high school and community college vastly different from the one who is graduating with both her high school diploma and Associate in Arts degree. Though I take those differences with great pride and joy, and I look forward to my own future with a bright lens.
I do not make mosaics; I do not recall ever making more than two in my life, but I think this quote surmises both me and this ePortfolio well. There are a lot of aspects in both my life and learning that may look vastly different from each other, but all make me, well, me! As far as my interests span, so did my academic endeavors. I kept finding and picking up pieces to add to my personal mosaic. It is still an incomplete piece, but one I think is shaping up really nicely. Stepping back and looking at the mosaic, so many of its pieces are labeled on the back as deriving from SPCC- and as a whole, the picture I see is one that is helping me lead to my dream of becoming a freelance illustrator. As incomplete as it may be, the SPCC pieces are slowly dwindling down as I come closer and closer to graduation in May of 2022. Here though, is just a glimpse of what I have managed to organize that showcases both my work over the past few years, bits and pieces of art I have made over the years, and perhaps a greater part of me and my life mosaic too.